For me, the written and spoken word carry a lot of power. When I choose to speak (or write) my anxieties, they become my focus. When I choose to speak (or write) in faith, it completely changes my perspective and puts my eyes back on the Lord. It is one of the reasons I have a prayer journal. Putting down on paper what I am trusting the Lord for helps me every time.
I don't have my prayer journal with me right at the moment, so I'm using this forum to choose faith over anxiety.
I don't remember if I've written here about the one solid lead FB has had for work - it wasn't going to pay quite enough to cover the bills, but was better than the alternative of nothing. Even as we've been waiting to see if he could get his old job back and keeping his eyes open for other options, we've at least felt like there was that one to fall back on. Well, in a conversation that was cut much too short last night (for a variety of frustrating reasons), he told me that he won't be getting that job after all. I don't know what happened; they had been consistently following up with him like they wanted to hire him. But it isn't happening.
He's had no contact from his former employer in the last week. I encouraged him last night to give them a call - I figure the worst that can happen is they say no, which leaves him where he's already at anyways. I think he's going to call - again, the conversations was cut short. But I appreciate prayers for that.
Up until now, other than the above mentioned situations, he's had no other real leads.
Just to keep things fun, he's now having car problems - which of course costs money. Which there obviously isn't much of at the moment.
I am here to state that I know my God is Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. He is faithful to provide for all my needs. He always has, and He always will. He will supply all our needs according to His great riches in glory. He can do something that is above and beyond anything I could ask or think. And only He can take this bleak looking circumstance and work it all for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I will obey His word and rejoice in Him in all things. Rather than walking in anxiety I present my requests to Him, thankful for the ways He has always provided for me and for the ways He will show Himself strong in this too. In doing this, I know I can walk in His peace that passes understanding - and for this I am grateful.
We just had a sermon at church ... "Faith has words and actions..." And happy birthday, too.
Hello...I stumbled on your blog when I was searching Google for "wedding anxiety". I'm a Rochester girl, too, and in the midst of planning my 2008 wedding. I'm so inspired by your ability to turn everything over to God. There's a sense of calm to your posts, even in the midst of such major life changes. Good luck with everything!
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