It really stinks that immigration, particularly from Mexico, is such a hot political topic right now. FB's visa appointment is two weeks from today. He has filled out preliminary paperwork and paid something like $150 just to make this appointment. We've waited months for the appointment. Now there is more paperwork to fill out for the appointment. And it's a whole process just prepping him to defend his desire to come here and to demonstrate that he will return to Mexico at the end of his visit. We've gone back and forth on what to say, what proof to offer of his story, etc. At the end of the day, there is no guarantee that he will even be seen for his appointment. His pastor, when trying to come visit our church, was turned away and told he didn't have a chance before he even presented his case - money not refunded.
I wish I could figure out if it is any easier for FB to get a visa after we're married. There'd be some measure of solace in knowing that this ordeal is a one time thing. But all I can find on visas for the spouses of US citizens has to do with moving to the US, which is not our intent at this point in time.
Oh well.
Everyone just pray for favor on June 14th.
remember to be praying phil 4:6 over this issue - do not be anxious for ANYTHING but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. stop worrying about what can go wrong and start thanking God - for what? well for a start, that FB got an appt! as for knowing what to say - pray Ps 81:10 Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. God will give FB the words much better than we can!
hmm sorry if i'm preaching. i'll get off my soapbox now. :) love ya, hehe, k.sue
Sigh. I hate waiting. I'm sorry you're having to experience it's joys as well.
Obviously the previous commenter is right and all. But still. Sigh.
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